Here are the photos. The modified one is 1979 - it has the original jockey wheels and had allen bolts fitted to allow disassembly.
The standard one is 1975, has a couple of scuffs and non original jockey wheels which have a bit of play.
Both are in working order.
If your panto'ed isn't too damaged, you might be able to transfer the Colnago plate onto my modified one.
Hey chief,
Here are the photos. The modified one is 1979 - it has the original jockey wheels and had allen bolts fitted to allow disassembly.
The standard one is 1975, has a couple of scuffs and non original jockey wheels which have a bit of play.
Both are in working order.
If your panto'ed isn't too damaged, you might be able to transfer the Colnago plate onto my modified one.