Turbo session tonight, checked the battery level before I started and it was flashing green- finished my session when the battery went flat at the 51 minute mark.
BB30 bearings are shot to bits, and I need to pull the entire assembly anyway as the new front mech clamp mounts the derailleur quite a bit further to the right.
I reckon going back to the standard axle, and maybe losing the SRM bearing shield in order to bring the chainrings in toward the centre line of the bike as currently the front shifting is really not working.
The new position feels good, natural after using it on the track bike, and 3T have warrantied the post after I swore on the most holy of bibles that I'd never over-tightened it.
Turbo session tonight, checked the battery level before I started and it was flashing green- finished my session when the battery went flat at the 51 minute mark.
BB30 bearings are shot to bits, and I need to pull the entire assembly anyway as the new front mech clamp mounts the derailleur quite a bit further to the right.
I reckon going back to the standard axle, and maybe losing the SRM bearing shield in order to bring the chainrings in toward the centre line of the bike as currently the front shifting is really not working.
The new position feels good, natural after using it on the track bike, and 3T have warrantied the post after I swore on the most holy of bibles that I'd never over-tightened it.