Can motor vehicles enter Barclays Cycle Superhighways?
Barclays Cycle Superhighways comprise a mixture of mandatory and advisory cycle lanes, blue surfacing in bus lanes, and blue surfacing in general traffic lanes.
Mandatory cycle lanes must not be entered by motorists including motorcyclists. They are shown by a solid white line separating the lane from the general carriageway and by roadside signs, which also display operating times.
Advisory cycle lanes are not designed to be used by motor vehicles, as stated in ‘The Highway Code’. However, motorists can enter the lanes if absolutely necessary. They are shown by a white dashed line separating the lane from the general carriageway.
Blue surfacing in bus lanes and general traffic lanes is designed to remind drivers they are likely to encounter cyclists and provides cyclists with a clear route to follow. The blue surfacing in bus lanes involves no line markings on the road.
In all cases, blue surfacing is designed to guide cyclists, and they are not obliged to ride on it.
From TfL FAQs about Superhighways:
Barclays Cycle Superhighways comprise a mixture of mandatory and advisory cycle lanes, blue surfacing in bus lanes, and blue surfacing in general traffic lanes.
Mandatory cycle lanes must not be entered by motorists including motorcyclists. They are shown by a solid white line separating the lane from the general carriageway and by roadside signs, which also display operating times.
Advisory cycle lanes are not designed to be used by motor vehicles, as stated in ‘The Highway Code’. However, motorists can enter the lanes if absolutely necessary. They are shown by a white dashed line separating the lane from the general carriageway.
Blue surfacing in bus lanes and general traffic lanes is designed to remind drivers they are likely to encounter cyclists and provides cyclists with a clear route to follow. The blue surfacing in bus lanes involves no line markings on the road.
In all cases, blue surfacing is designed to guide cyclists, and they are not obliged to ride on it.