I am sorry, but if people wish to defend racists (and royal racists at that) then I will patronise. And as for antagonising people who defend racists - sorry I really don't give a fuck.
You know nothing more of this man than anyone else. Most people wouldn't feel the need to 'defend' this guy (racist or not) had you not come across as such a headstrong douche about someone you have never met. Do you see? There's no point in being 'right' about something if your opinion of the people you're trying to convince is 'I don't give a fuck'. If you don't give a fuck then shut up and leave the civilised discussion to those that do.
You know nothing more of this man than anyone else. Most people wouldn't feel the need to 'defend' this guy (racist or not) had you not come across as such a headstrong douche about someone you have never met. Do you see? There's no point in being 'right' about something if your opinion of the people you're trying to convince is 'I don't give a fuck'. If you don't give a fuck then shut up and leave the civilised discussion to those that do.
This isn't YouTube comments.