• I do believe that if any able bodied person taking a driving test had to complete cycle training it would help change some of the culture in the UK.

    ^^ this is a strong simple idea that should be pushed very hard to the Parliamentary Inquiry. Even politicians and the media can understand the idea that on road cycle training for teenagers will help them be safer, better drivers.
    It should be branded 'Bikeability' so that high schools will be queuing up to provide Bikeability 3 and expecting the primary schools to deliver kids with Bikeability 1 & 2

    Yes I said this as part of my oral evidence to the inquiry though it wasn't received with much enthusiasm.

    Thanks all for contributions. I will be putting together the document tomorrow and will include these ideas:

    Stronger links to the school curriculum
    Link CT to driving test
    Increased engagement with the whole school community
    Level 1 only courses funded for younger pupils
    Targeting head and governors and the development of school champion packs
    Active discouraging of the school run through parking bans etc around schools and fines
    Access to bikes for bike-less families (Like cycle to work scheme)
    Grants to schools for pool bikes and cycle parking
    Better outcomes for fewer pupils in smaller groups
    embedded cycle training all year round (like in some hackney schools)
    Revisiting branding and funding for teenager and adult training
    DfT to press LA to up their promotion and spend on training
    Grants to non LA orgs offering training (Like the London Community grant scheme)
    and some notes about Bikeability schemes putting out own house in order -something for TABS conference to discuss

    There clearly need to be a huge step change to get us up to the next level, and an acceptance of the value of skilling people up (including the young 8 year old and the granny who people think would never ride until we turn the uk into holland).

    I will post the report on TABS website and link on this thread


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