WTF has your first sentence got to do with whether he is a racist or not?
I can't go round using the N-word and then explain it is alright cos I am a rude cunt to every single person on the planet.
Royals mentioned = slate them and point out how backward we are that they live. Simple. I have no interest in the royals thread.
Definition of racism
noun [mass noun]the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:
What he said was not racist. He merely stated in an inappropriate way that there a lot of Fillipino nurses working in the NHS, had he have stated that this is all people from the Phillipines can do it would have been racist. Use of the N word is an entirely different kettle of fish as it implies that the person using that word is naturally superior to the subject by virtue of their race.
Definition of racism
noun [mass noun]the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:
What he said was not racist. He merely stated in an inappropriate way that there a lot of Fillipino nurses working in the NHS, had he have stated that this is all people from the Phillipines can do it would have been racist. Use of the N word is an entirely different kettle of fish as it implies that the person using that word is naturally superior to the subject by virtue of their race.