• Cycling back on my commute today I turned left into my road (or at least the road that turns into my road) which is quite narrow with park cars either side. A car turns in beside me and as soon as the road narrowed slightly he blasted close past me accelerating to 50mph odd (one of those overpowered Audi estates), I actually sped up because the road doesn't go anywhere and I wondered where this idiot lived, and lo about 300 yards on he braked and turned into a driveway. I couldn't believe he had driven so fast down a residential narrow street at 6.30 so I had a woird when I went past, just saying 'that was a bit fast wasn't it' and his response was 'well you should have indicated you tithead' so I told him he was a dickhead for driving 50mph down such a narrow street and cycled on.

    Yes I probably didn;t signal I was turning left, from the left hand side of the road, and yes he was briefly delayed behind when the road narrowed with the parked cars, but I can't fathom why your reaction to that is to accelerate as hard as you can on the street you live on and endanger lives. It was dark at the time, but in the summer months there are kids everywhere. The houses front onto the pavement, there are parked cars down the length of it, a kid could have easily popped out and got flattened.

    I really want to discuss with him why he reacted the way he did, because I was shocked by his dangerous driving in such a narrow, residential area. A cyclist failing to indicate he's turning left is not a reason to go all Death Race 2000.
