This whole "training" attitude, proclaimed by teams and individual rides respectively, is merely intended to tone down expectations. These guys are animals and wouldn't be where they're at if they weren't competitive to the bone E V E R Y T I M E they get on their bike. Needless to say they plan their season and form curve, prioritise certain races over others and don't want to peak to early and so on. But when they're actually riding, be that a team training session or a somewhat less prestiges early season race, they racing to win.
This whole "training" attitude, proclaimed by teams and individual rides respectively, is merely intended to tone down expectations. These guys are animals and wouldn't be where they're at if they weren't competitive to the bone E V E R Y T I M E they get on their bike. Needless to say they plan their season and form curve, prioritise certain races over others and don't want to peak to early and so on. But when they're actually riding, be that a team training session or a somewhat less prestiges early season race, they racing to win.