Could you show if there is a club on the fork crown or cut out of the bottom bracket?
Does it say Colnago anywhere?
I doubt it
1st point, i've bought this bike some year ago, and i can garantee to you that this is a Colnago, if it isn't the Mexico i don't know, but after some comparisons on the net, i see some identical points on it. For what i've known this bike has been refurbished, so the chrome parts on the back anchors are now black. I will post a photo of the bottom braket so you can see the colnago mark on it.
1st point, i've bought this bike some year ago, and i can garantee to you that this is a Colnago, if it isn't the Mexico i don't know, but after some comparisons on the net, i see some identical points on it. For what i've known this bike has been refurbished, so the chrome parts on the back anchors are now black. I will post a photo of the bottom braket so you can see the colnago mark on it.