The annoying day-after coverage from Eurosport aside, which meant I knew the result of the stage after the one I was watching everytime, I though Oman was a bloody good race, excellent and challenging parcours which frankly made me want to go out there and ride the roads, and a good old ding dong between J-Rod, El Pistolero, Cuddles and the Preying Mantis.
Froome draws first bllod and the way he was able to counter Rod's and Contador's attacks, and then outsprint the pair of them on Stage 5 lays down a real marker for the rest of the season. Impressive since Leinders has gone......
The annoying day-after coverage from Eurosport aside, which meant I knew the result of the stage after the one I was watching everytime, I though Oman was a bloody good race, excellent and challenging parcours which frankly made me want to go out there and ride the roads, and a good old ding dong between J-Rod, El Pistolero, Cuddles and the Preying Mantis.
Froome draws first bllod and the way he was able to counter Rod's and Contador's attacks, and then outsprint the pair of them on Stage 5 lays down a real marker for the rest of the season. Impressive since Leinders has gone......