There was a huge meteorite that hit a bout 4 years back if I recall, discovered by one of those nerds analysing telescope data with only about 24 hours left for it to hit. Was big enough to destroy a a few city blocks or something.
But it ended up landing in the desert so no one noticed. Saw it on a BBC/Channel 4 documentary. Tried to look it up since but forgotten the details. The relevant authorities were cacking themselves and made the decision not to tell anyone even though there was a decent chance it would land in a populated area.
There was a huge meteorite that hit a bout 4 years back if I recall, discovered by one of those nerds analysing telescope data with only about 24 hours left for it to hit. Was big enough to destroy a a few city blocks or something.
But it ended up landing in the desert so no one noticed. Saw it on a BBC/Channel 4 documentary. Tried to look it up since but forgotten the details. The relevant authorities were cacking themselves and made the decision not to tell anyone even though there was a decent chance it would land in a populated area.