I never planned to run my weight weenie Hope mini pros on anything other than a weight weenie, rigid, SS, 29er. The rear disc is 140mm, and I'm over 85Kg.
They're now on the franken bike. Going through brutal winter abuse, and being expected to reign in a 2.35" super aggresive rear with 400+ studs, and a 4.8" studded front.
They work flawlessly. Even started to wonder if I should just chuck them on the fatbike, and sell what left of the Spotbrand. They really should'nt work so well at that weight.
Came to my senses though. I'm too lazy a mechanic to swap the fatty to SS and back constantly, and I ***NEED ***to singlespeed. So I'm going to cut a few more grams and keep it as my short blast bike. Although the only things I can think of are lighter pedals (eggbeaters most likely), lighter cranks, and a lighter rear tyre. Unless I succome to carbon lust and replace my rims.
I never planned to run my weight weenie Hope mini pros on anything other than a weight weenie, rigid, SS, 29er. The rear disc is 140mm, and I'm over 85Kg.
They're now on the franken bike. Going through brutal winter abuse, and being expected to reign in a 2.35" super aggresive rear with 400+ studs, and a 4.8" studded front.
They work flawlessly. Even started to wonder if I should just chuck them on the fatbike, and sell what left of the Spotbrand. They really should'nt work so well at that weight.
Came to my senses though. I'm too lazy a mechanic to swap the fatty to SS and back constantly, and I ***NEED ***to singlespeed. So I'm going to cut a few more grams and keep it as my short blast bike. Although the only things I can think of are lighter pedals (eggbeaters most likely), lighter cranks, and a lighter rear tyre. Unless I succome to carbon lust and replace my rims.