Once we are at the point where we are confident that we won't lose data and nothing too fundamental is likely to change, we'll open the private beta, and TABS can certainly be a part of it.
It's private as in "not open to the world", but we're quite happy letting quite a few small communities try it out as the more that do, the more feedback we'll get.
Without feedback this will all be for naught, as we won't be confident that we're making the right product.
Once we are at the point where we are confident that we won't lose data and nothing too fundamental is likely to change, we'll open the private beta, and TABS can certainly be a part of it.
It's private as in "not open to the world", but we're quite happy letting quite a few small communities try it out as the more that do, the more feedback we'll get.
Without feedback this will all be for naught, as we won't be confident that we're making the right product.