Unbelievable - "technically speaking a car can be cleaner (in terms of co2 emission) than a bicycle. when you are pedalling you breath-inhale o2 and exchale co2, right? so a car can be more efficient if the amount of co2 emission will be lower the difference between amoung of co2 exchaling by a driver and a cyclist."
Oliver is on the forum and has helped a number of other forumengers with various advice over the years. A nice pro-cyclists rights article gets posted in the fail thread on this forum, FFS. Who cares what some lazy sub picks out of a getty images search?
I had no intention of making any kind of judgement on the writing of the article; it's a well written piece on a very important topic, which made the choice of image seem even stranger.
Unbelievable - "technically speaking a car can be cleaner (in terms of co2 emission) than a bicycle. when you are pedalling you breath-inhale o2 and exchale co2, right? so a car can be more efficient if the amount of co2 emission will be lower the difference between amoung of co2 exchaling by a driver and a cyclist."
I had no intention of making any kind of judgement on the writing of the article; it's a well written piece on a very important topic, which made the choice of image seem even stranger.