let s assume you have purchased on the web all the parts that you listed from the cheapest online retailer out there. With the £164.10 difference that you keep mentioning, where do you factor in the tools to put the bike together and the knowledge to build the bike yourself?
It's not £160 though, is it? A smart online shopper could put that build together for at least £600 below your ticket, more than enough to buy all the tools needed to assemble it and take a course in bike mechanics.
Clearly you're pitching to the clueless, and good luck to you; there's one born every minute, and there are many businessmen far more venal than you taking far larger chunks of change off mugs who ought to know better.
It's not £160 though, is it? A smart online shopper could put that build together for at least £600 below your ticket, more than enough to buy all the tools needed to assemble it and take a course in bike mechanics.
Clearly you're pitching to the clueless, and good luck to you; there's one born every minute, and there are many businessmen far more venal than you taking far larger chunks of change off mugs who ought to know better.