You are posting this on a page that is effectively the third Google search result for Foffa. You offer no evidence to support your claim*, yet you are surprised and annoyed when he comes here to defend his business and product. Maybe put yourself in his shoes for a second? What would you do?
I know there has been some discussion here about component prices - wasn't that bed time reading - but from a quick skim it looks like they are comparable to Condor, a more mature but similar outfit that builds custom bikes from customer selected components. Perhaps we shouldn't dwell on comparing the organisations - Condor has had more than enough time to get things right - but we can compare the products, and if built well wouldn't the Foffa be of similar quality given the frame is built from a similar material and from a supplier that builds for Surly?
You are posting this on a page that is effectively the third Google search result for Foffa. You offer no evidence to support your claim*, yet you are surprised and annoyed when he comes here to defend his business and product. Maybe put yourself in his shoes for a second? What would you do?