• #53902
This is jokes, right? Even I can get up Brixton Hill on my sweet fixie skidder. It's a bit long and slow but I can do it...
• #53903
Poots I really don't think they can be serious. It's not even that long.
Can they??
• #53904
I cracked, and had to wait for one of those little automated road sweeping vehicle things to come along and act as a broom wagon for me.
• #53905
They are joking about Brixton Hill, Highgate on the other hand is tricky with crampons and ice-axes.
To be fair it's easier without crampons and ice-axes, they don't work well on tarmac and are tricky to use whilst cycling.
Personally I take the bus everywhere, I don't even own a bike.
• #53906
I'm not really sure what a bike is. What are the parameters?
• #53907
It's not the same as a bicycle, is it? Is the 'ke' part something to do with horse tranqs?
• #53908
I shit a metric tonne of bricks
Whenever I approach that hill.
It makes me queasy, even ill.
I know I need to learn new tricks.EJ Thribb, 17 1/2% gradient
• #53909
Kingsland road is a steep enough gradient for me these days (northbound).
• #53910
Getting up the underground carpark ramp at work is bad enough for me.
• #53911
I have to carry my bike over my doorstep before I even get on it. That is the hardest part of the morning commute.
• #53912
Poots I really don't think they can be serious. It's not even that long.
Can they??
I've had a very long week...my irony detector is running low : /
• #53913
I can't any more spread rep today but oliver would have some..
• #53914
good page
• #53915
Brixton hill is easy to get up. It just gets boring doing it everyday.
Going down it , dodging all the buses is the tricky part.
• #53916
black brothers track on kings inn road, so, so nice
• #53917
a gaggle of yellow track bieks locked up outside LMNHs this evening.
• #53918
Possibly my mate Kamal, any more details?
• #53919
To the kind chap this evening who stopped to offer his help while I was mending a flat on Falkirk Street - he had the air and appearance of someone who would be 'on here', so thanks. It took me half an hour to get it sorted and you were the only person who bothered!
(I might have had more offers if I'd been out on the Kingsland Road, but having got the puncture I wheeled it round the corner out of sight of the main drag to avoid displaying weakness to my fellow riders, in the manner of a sick cat).
• #53920
I used to climb that escarpment once a day as well during the couple of years I worked up there. Could really grimp back then. Just a distant (muscle memory) now.
What I'm saying is, I used to be a climber like you.
You clearly need to keep working on your power to weight ratio to get the mythical output figures I achieve. At least you have youth on your side you bloody youngster. I better not continue for fear of being reported for grooming.
Highgate on the other hand is tricky with crampons and ice-axes.
Try Nordic walking poles and roller boots, much easier.
Kingsland road is a steep enough gradient for me these days (northbound).
Only solution for you is an e-bike. Sorry but some are too far gone for my sage advice to have any effect.
• #53921
Brixton hill is easy to get up. It just gets boring doing it everyday.
Going down it , dodging all the buses is the
trickyfun part.
;) -
• #53922
It's a hill innit?
• #53923
corndog last night from holborn to oval. good rollin with you dude
• #53924
Noiser at Liverpool st around 11ish today? Would have shouted DAS but was walking with a friend! :/
• #53925
Yankie shit bag riding up A10 kingsland road yesterday 5ish looking happy
I'm moving to Streatham this weekend and my commute will take in the mountain. Not only am I commuting on gears from now on, I'm putting my 12-28 cassette back on.