• #377
• #378
Kids don't walk. They are driven around in SUVs.
• #379
Use the crossing Luke.
• #380
How about parents teaching kids? Why is it the government's job.
Because believe it or not, a significant proportion of parents are even more fuck-witted than Jeremy Hunt Cealth Secretary, or Shant Grapps.
• #381
coming off the Euston Road from the East to bend round Great Portland Street tube and north up Albany Street is a nightmare (https://maps.google.co.uk/?ll=51.523836,-0.143565&spn=0.001283,0.002411&t=m&z=19). Lines of peds just stand in the right turn lane trying to cross the road forcing you into the traffic to your left. There are two pedestrian crossings yards away. I told one woman to use the propercrossings and she turned the air blue!
Bane of my morning commute (cue photos of Bane from that batman film thingy...).
• #382
I think it's less a case of self awareness for people these days, and more a case of self absorbed. Must get to where they need to get to and sod anyone else. Walking out to get lunch is a clear indication of could'ntgiveafuckness.... People not looking where they're going as FacebookTwitterInstagramtextingphonecalls are status critical and if they don't answer there and then the world will end......
Technology fucked the gene pool, and all we want to do is ride a bike with as little aggro as possible....... -
• #383
Let (s)he who has not crashed while checking his/her Garmin cast the first stone.
Anybody? Only me?
• #384
I rode into a bus just cos I wasn't paying attention once.
• #385
I don't have a Garmin or any other kind of GPS unit, so ...
I've also never crashed into anyone while checking my routesheet, let alone crashed into anyone at all.
• #386
I use ped crossing buttons way more these days- to stop the queues of car nodders and get rolling on the road in my own space -
• #387
Nearly clocked my first one in months this morning - it would have been my fault as his email would have been much more interesting than watching where he was going and me cycling along the road. MIssed by a cats whisker and I think he might need new suit trousers
• #388
I rode into a bus just cos I wasn't paying attention once.
Yes, I've hit the back of a lorry while thinking very deeply.
• #390
How are you supposed to react when something like this happens?
What is the correct etiquette?I was coming downhill like a badman this evening with an internal smirk as I steamed past the static traffic. The same stillness in the vehicles convinced a ped it was okay to cross the street without looking and she appeared in front of me. I braked and slowed but we still collided hard enough to put us both on the ground. My first reaction was to ask "What the fuck are you doing you stupid cunt?!", she said "Why are you swearing at me?" and I responded that it was because she was a "fucking imbecile" and insisted that she "jog on" 'cause I've heard people say that.
She came away worse off than I did for sure and I was only angry 'cause I was worried about my bike and I knew my elbow had hit the ground so there was a concern for my Rapha jacket...
So yeah, what to say in the heat of the moment? Is it just polite to accept that mistakes happen and I should just say "Be more careful" or "Pay attention" next time? Does anyone have the genuine patience to not get aggressive?
• #391
How are you supposed to react when something like this happens?
What is the correct etiquette?I was coming downhill like a badman this evening with an internal smirk as I steamed past the static traffic. The same stillness in the vehicles convinced a ped it was okay to cross the street without looking and she appeared in front of me. I braked and slowed but we still collided hard enough to put us both on the ground. My first reaction was to ask "What the fuck are you doing you stupid cunt?!", she said "Why are you swearing at me?" and I responded that it was because she was a "fucking imbecile" and insisted that she "jog on" 'cause I've heard people say that.
She came away worse off than I did for sure and I was only angry 'cause I was worried about my bike and I knew my elbow had hit the ground so there was a concern for my Rapha jacket...
So yeah, what to say in the heat of the moment? Is it just polite to accept that mistakes happen and I should just say "Be more careful" or "Pay attention" next time? Does anyone have the genuine patience to not get aggressive?
First thing I did when I hit my ped was ask if she was OK.
• #392
@privatepatterson - if you're going to steam past stationery traffic you're going to have incidents like this. The secret is not to steam past like a badman.
• #393
I generally say something along the lines of "ffs look after yourself, you could have been badly hurt" when I've had a near miss and the adrenaline is going.
• #394
If you wanna be real badman put the boot in and finish the stupid fucking meat-pylons off properly. Don't listen to these pillow-biters, they is wasteman innit
• #395
You should ask if they've considered a professional shoe fit and recommend they get potty training.
• #396
I have a lot to learn it seems.
I guess it gets easier?
• #397
what, justifying manslaughter, s'pose so
• #398
First thing I did when I hit my ped was ask if she was OK.
This made my smile.
"my ped" - as if she were your pet. -
• #399
I guess it gets easier?
No, people will still act like cunts and endanger themselves and you.
Just allow more journey time.
• #400
Can we not round up all the:
Cunts who use phones whilst driving
Cunts who walk into roads without looking
Cunts who try to cycle up the inside of youAnd throw them to the fucking lions?
Later to be Darth Vader