Just turning up is Not OK. Really. Someone mentioned doing this last year, The 'cobblemonster' was not happy, for good reasons which he or she elucidated for us: basically - please don't turn up unregistered as it might mean we can't carry on doing it in future - was the gist of it.
Email the cobblemonster and ask nicely to be on a reserve list, or if Moogette could perhaps earn a place by helping out?
Hi all
If you didn't make it to sign on its still worth emailing the contact email address from the website and ask to be put on the reserves list.
For you 'non official' tag alongs - correct, we can't stop you, they are public roads etc...but please bear in mind there is a certain size of event that can be self policing and not attract the attention of officialdom. The number we cut off at makes it manageable for us and joe public alike. If we get complaints from police, local authorities, peds etc we have to consider if its worth carrying on with it. We aren't a pro event, we are volunteers and people with day jobs.
Hi all
If you didn't make it to sign on its still worth emailing the contact email address from the website and ask to be put on the reserves list.
For you 'non official' tag alongs - correct, we can't stop you, they are public roads etc...but please bear in mind there is a certain size of event that can be self policing and not attract the attention of officialdom. The number we cut off at makes it manageable for us and joe public alike. If we get complaints from police, local authorities, peds etc we have to consider if its worth carrying on with it. We aren't a pro event, we are volunteers and people with day jobs.
Dave TLC