So the current wheel on my polo bike is a dp18 laced to shimano 105 hub. I've had a lot of trouble with taking tires on and off the rim, its probably my technique but i'm just sick of the constant pinches etc. This plus the fact I would like to convert to a disc brake means i'm looking for something new.
I just need something quick and cheap. I'll be building a permanent wheel in the near future but in the mean time i'm looking for something strong that will get the job done. Preferably 36h and something deep section (I don't want to taco it straight away!). I was thinking maybe a halo wheel?
Hey guys,
So the current wheel on my polo bike is a dp18 laced to shimano 105 hub. I've had a lot of trouble with taking tires on and off the rim, its probably my technique but i'm just sick of the constant pinches etc. This plus the fact I would like to convert to a disc brake means i'm looking for something new.
I just need something quick and cheap. I'll be building a permanent wheel in the near future but in the mean time i'm looking for something strong that will get the job done. Preferably 36h and something deep section (I don't want to taco it straight away!). I was thinking maybe a halo wheel?
I'm in Cambridge but can pick up from London.
Let me know, Thanks.