Had an oil tanker attempt to pass me despite the pedestrian island in the middle of the road the other day, I had no where to go so had to start sprinting towards a driveway just ahead and get on the curb. I'm not sure if he didn't see me of was just being a twat, car behind kindly let me back out and proceeded to watch the wanker swerving around traffic forcing cars to take drastic manoeuvres to avoid being hit. I wish I got his reg because there is no way someone should be driving a petrol tanker in that manner through a city, ticking time bomb of death.
Had an oil tanker attempt to pass me despite the pedestrian island in the middle of the road the other day, I had no where to go so had to start sprinting towards a driveway just ahead and get on the curb. I'm not sure if he didn't see me of was just being a twat, car behind kindly let me back out and proceeded to watch the wanker swerving around traffic forcing cars to take drastic manoeuvres to avoid being hit. I wish I got his reg because there is no way someone should be driving a petrol tanker in that manner through a city, ticking time bomb of death.