So, did about 45 fairly undulating miles in around 2 and a half hours. Was a beautiful morning for it and felt great to get some fresh air after a pretty horrible week of office-based nonsense.
Some of the climbs were definitely more painful than they used to be and generally lost a fair bit of power, but the running and commuting has kept the basic engine ticking over nicely. Just need to build dem leg muscles up again. Back and neck felt pretty achey as well, not used to that length of time on the bike.
I reckon if i get out every weekend and add about 10% each time I should nearly be back to where I was in terms of form in a couple of months.
Going out for my first 'proper' ride since about october tomorrow (injuries / exams / lots of other shit causing the hiatus). Really looking forward to it, but also kinda nervous! Going to aim to hit around 50 miles, not going to try to break any records, just start getting the miles in the legs again.
So, did about 45 fairly undulating miles in around 2 and a half hours. Was a beautiful morning for it and felt great to get some fresh air after a pretty horrible week of office-based nonsense.
Some of the climbs were definitely more painful than they used to be and generally lost a fair bit of power, but the running and commuting has kept the basic engine ticking over nicely. Just need to build dem leg muscles up again. Back and neck felt pretty achey as well, not used to that length of time on the bike.
I reckon if i get out every weekend and add about 10% each time I should nearly be back to where I was in terms of form in a couple of months.