Just cycled the furthest I've ever done: 36 miles. Get me!
Planned to do 45-odd mile route into the Southern Badlands (Surrey) and back but I suffered a gashed rear tyre about 15 miles in. We found the culprit to be a large, very sharp pebble. Swapped out the tube and patched the tyre with two bits of sticking plaster and got a matching 2cm gash on my knuckle for my troubles. We decided to come back the way we went, rather than continuing the loop in case my patch job didn't hold but added an extra lap of Richmond Park on the way home to try and claw back some mileage.
Then enjoyed a cup of tea at Richmond Park cafe surrounded by snotty little kids called Oscar and Millie and hundreds of Raphalites. Do they always leave their bikes unlocked? Me and the Mrs. considered ditching our Pompino and Raleigh Airlite 100 and bombing off on 4 grand's worth of carbon.
Average moving speed 12.8,mph, which I'm happy with. I'm trying to build up for Audaxes which are between 10 and 15kph right?
Just cycled the furthest I've ever done: 36 miles. Get me!
Planned to do 45-odd mile route into the Southern Badlands (Surrey) and back but I suffered a gashed rear tyre about 15 miles in. We found the culprit to be a large, very sharp pebble. Swapped out the tube and patched the tyre with two bits of sticking plaster and got a matching 2cm gash on my knuckle for my troubles. We decided to come back the way we went, rather than continuing the loop in case my patch job didn't hold but added an extra lap of Richmond Park on the way home to try and claw back some mileage.
Then enjoyed a cup of tea at Richmond Park cafe surrounded by snotty little kids called Oscar and Millie and hundreds of Raphalites. Do they always leave their bikes unlocked? Me and the Mrs. considered ditching our Pompino and Raleigh Airlite 100 and bombing off on 4 grand's worth of carbon.
Average moving speed 12.8,mph, which I'm happy with. I'm trying to build up for Audaxes which are between 10 and 15kph right?