• #702
I have seen you guys yesterday, the smallest CM I have witnessed, due to the temperature no doubt
(going the opposite way just after the bloomsbury roundabout) -
• #703
Was bloody big at first, but by that time around 9 it just got smaller and people just pealed off home! Plus wasn't that great this time round as the kids up front seems like they didn't know where they were going this time round and we ended up in easton a lot...
• #704
Really annoyed totally missed this one, recently moved to london and am looking to get out on a few rides, beers and to meet some new people and talk bikes...any pointers for similar rides?
• #705
Critical Mass December? :)
Lots of fun social rides to be found there. -
• #706
Thanks Chung ill be there in december, I saw the feeds but was just looking for a bit of advice on what rides. Ill have a look through and just get down to one.
• #707
Hi all, Below is copy of a website set up by those who've been charged for the July CM. They need witnesses to the gathering or the kettles pretty urgently.
If you were there, especially at the Bridge while the police monitored it and made announcements via the loudhailer, please follow the links and get in touch. Apparently they don't have many witnesses, though I recall loads of people milling about at the time.
Cheers, GA
Hello! Nine people are being prosecuted after the police crackdown on London Critical Mass in July. You could be a crucial witness for their defence or help us find one! Their trial is in February, but we need to gather evidence by December 10th. That’s really soon!
Ways you can help:Share this callout far and wide! Link to https://network23.org/criticalmassdefence/urgent-callout/
Were you or anyone you know at Critical Mass on 27th July, or at the meeting point under Waterloo Bridge? Solicitors are extremely keen to hear from people who were there and not arrested. Even if you don’t think you saw anything, please get in touch with GBC Legal as soon as possible – by 10th December at the latest: [B]gbclegal@riseup.net07946 541 511[/B]We are especially keen to hear from people who were at the meetup point at Waterloo Bridge, or at/in the kettle on either the Stratford Roundabout or the Bow Flyover.
If you’d like to be involved in a solidarity campaign for the CM9 please watch this space. Details will be posted on this site.
Green & Black Cross Legal has provided invaluable support for Critical Mass arrestees (starting in the kettle on Stratford High Road!). This is all done on a tiny budget and although GBC is a volunteer run group a part time administrator is necessary for efficiency and continuity of large amounts of follow up such as this. The urgent evidence gathering and collation for Critical Mass will take about 40 hours and cost around £500 (paying London living wage + tax). If you’re able to donate, however little, please use the Donate button on the top of the GBC website pages here.
*You’ll only be able to do this if you’re a fellow network23 user anyway, but please please don’t! -
• #708
gutted, i missed the october one... but this looks like great fun, hope to go this month
• #709
Anybody? It's cold and wet today, but not too cold & wet...
Haven't been since the Olympian fuckup that was July.
• #710
tempted, might swing by for a hello and then bugger off
• #711
Fuckin best friday night out in London! Covent Garden, The Mall, Stock Exchange, parliament sq, Elephant, brick lane, not necessarily in that order... no rain, great vibes all night.
• #712
This friday, 2013 is the year that the Mass could get Critical!
For those that haven't been for ages, or have been put off by the torytrolls on this thread, I must say that CM has improved loads lately. The lack of waving your bike over your head has been a notable change, as has the arrival of The Longboard Kids, which is perplexing but they're a welcome addition.
I'd really like to see this forum start reprazenting at CM again... no need to let Boris' friends around here stop the party (and it is a bleedin good party) ...
• #713
ill see you a the next one, skully, weather permitting!
ps didn't see you there in july!
• #714
Hey! You mean Olympics opening night? Was there for a short while, I hit the road at London bridge, just after Beckham got kettled by the mass for a bit.
• #715
Yeah I can confirm Skully was there
• #716
Did any of your photos of Our Lord Beckham come out? I seem to remember seeing you struggling with a plod soon after that.
• #717
hey. is there a critical mass in january? how does it works here in london? montlhy critical mass ride?
• #718
Yes there a Mass in January this Friday. London masses are always on the last Friday of the month and meet from 6:00 outside the National Film Theatre under Waterloo Bridge on the south side details http://www.criticalmasslondon.org.uk/main.html
• #719
finally I am finishing work early enough for the first time in a year to attend the amusement that is critical mass, see everyone there
• #720
Never been to one of these before. Shameful. Will make it down for Friday's.
• #721
Think I may be a fail this month.
• #722
This month? What about the other 11 in the year?
• #723
Right, I encountered what might have been some of you lot this evening on my way home. All I have to say is, you can fuck right off. Acting like a bunch of twats, jumping all the lights, having a go at a motorist for rightfully going through a green light and all sorts of other shit.
The response "Its critical mass!!!"
Like I give a shit. Stop acting like antisocial knobs.
• #724
gosh. just lost the post, and the ride =/ Today was my first london ride...alone...so ill be there in february.
• #725
Had fun the other night at this. Kind of see where Hovis is coming from though. Stopping in Oxford Circus with bikes held above heads was maybe a bit much.
I should be going, a friend who long boarding and he needs someone to tow, plus its friday and need some down time! =p