It seems I'm wrong. Thought about this a bit more. It looks like Americans would vote for a non-believer. However, my point about thin margins above stands. Presumably the majority of this 54% are Democrats. With margins of a few percentage points, you only need a small number of the 54% to be Democrats for a Republican (and presumably non-atheist) win.
For the second time in less than a year, the Gallup poll reports that a majority of Americans would vote for an atheist for president.
The latest survey, from June, found that 54 percent of those asked said they would vote a "well- qualified" atheist into the Oval Office— the highest percentage since Gallup began asking the question in 1958, when only 18 percent said they would back a nonbeliever.
In any case, the point remains. I think people are overstating the religiosity of America as a whole. It has crazies just like the UK, Ireland, Poland, Italy, Norway, blah, blah, blah. Maybe more of them, but it does't mean everyone in the US is one of them.
It seems I'm wrong.Thought about this a bit more. It looks like Americans would vote for a non-believer. However, my point about thin margins above stands. Presumably the majority of this 54% are Democrats. With margins of a few percentage points, you only need a small number of the 54% to be Democrats for a Republican (and presumably non-atheist) win.