• #3777
He just did an awesome, "Come at me bro'!"
• #3778
I'm actually speechless...
*Hurray for typing!
• #3779
Wow! That makes for some 'interesting' reading.
The footage of Ted really pissed after the London to Paris giving Lance grief is still awesome.
• #3781
^Wow, WAFC
So he admits to it all. I hope Landis' case proceeds to fruition and that Kimmage et al are given due credit.
• #3782
Wow, WAFC.
this -
• #3783
Claims not have doped during his comeback??????????????????????
• #3784
Nicole Cooke on Breakfast giving him a good shoeing. Hurray for Nicole, Britain's best ever road cyclist.
• #3785
Is it still up online to watch anywhere? Oprah.com says can't view in uk?
• #3786
^ this
• #3787
Nicole Cooke on Breakfast giving him a good shoeing. Hurray for Nicole, Britain's best ever road cyclist.
Though she came across very poorly and very bitter
• #3788
I could only make it till half 3, did he cry?
• #3789
^^ Wouldn't you?
• #3790
I could only make it till half 3, did he cry?
Nope, I did though. Tune in again tonight for more lies from the half-man half-lizard monstrosity.
• #3791
BBC website has some content but sound wont work for me
• #3792
I could never tire of kicking Lance in the nut.
• #3793
wow. the clips I've seen actually leave him in a worse light than before if this is possible.
everything seems to be so calculated and stage managed, going through the motions for a semi-retarded public that can't wait to forgive their dear icon his sins as it will excuse their own.
Denying doping during his comeback is laughable-nobody finishes the TdF with a higher hematocrit than when they started unless they've been 'topping up' along the way. I notice Oprah failed to ask if his co-owner and business partner Weisel being involved with Amgen manufacturer of EPO and sponsor of the TdC was an unfair advantage over the 'suckers' that had to go panhandling on the open market for it. Then there's the million dollar doctor with an exlusivity clause.
Total sham-I just hope the lifetime ban stays in place so we don't have to endure another 20 years of rehearsed mea culpas whilst he's jamming more cash into his already burgeoning pockets-and whilst trotting round in some kind of heinous budgie smuggler to add even more insult to injury.
• #3794
nobody finishes the TdF with a higher hematocrit than when they started unless they've been 'topping up' along the way
didn't wiggns have a similar profile at some point..? -
• #3795
did he? first I've heard of it if so-link?
• #3796
I expect tears in part two when Oprah gets into Lancies lies to his kids and their defending of him. That has to hurt.
• #3797
wow. the clips I've seen actually leave him in a worse light than before if this is possible.
Which is why whatever PR exercise this is probably won't be successful. His performance isn't enough to win over the skeptical and the non-believers, and seeing as he's obviously not particularly repentant it's unlikely to bring any sponsorship back. I can't see him winning his way back into our hearts without even a tear.
The Armstrong fan on my Facebook has had to fall back on 'bellend, but he did do a lot for cancer research'. He definitely hasn't rebuilt Isis defences.
• #3798
If Armstrong is a lying cunt and always has been, what makes you think you can trust him now?
Think about it, perhaps he's innocent after all!
• #3799
did he? first I've heard of it if so-link?
i read it on here somewhere... someone will probably be able to provide link (i am thinking andyp/dubtap) -
• #3800
i read on the bbc site that he was saying that cancer gave him a win at all costs attitude. but if betsy andreu is to be believed (and plainly, in my view, she is) he was admitting doping in hospital that occurred before his diagnosis. so these are yet more lies and half-truths coming out now. it's so cynical its quite depressing.
Nothing "Almost" about it...