do you remember about 8 years ago there was a lot of white paint on billboards and bus stop ads from Aldgate east around Stepney, anything with flesh, especially women. still happens on and off but I remember a spate of it suddenly happening a lot. ads with semi-nude guys and girls, but one that really stood out was a big billboard poster for some dance or theatre show, very civilised, woman in a green dress nothing revealing. then one day she was covered by white paint up to her neck.
do you remember about 8 years ago there was a lot of white paint on billboards and bus stop ads from Aldgate east around Stepney, anything with flesh, especially women. still happens on and off but I remember a spate of it suddenly happening a lot. ads with semi-nude guys and girls, but one that really stood out was a big billboard poster for some dance or theatre show, very civilised, woman in a green dress nothing revealing. then one day she was covered by white paint up to her neck.