• #39777
Le Tour de France, or as Lance would call it, The Magical Bike Ride
Magical Bike Ride - YouTube
• #39778
next to a great big pyyyylon
• #39779
What was, what even, wha?
• #39780
Edit. Wrong thread. Meant for Epic WTF.
• #39781
• #39782
• #39784
- Don't buy circular polarisers - get a filter system
- Learn some photography
- With DSLRs apart from reflections for reducing the haze on non-reflective materials use PS.
- I've ever used polarising filter for Velvia transparency when doing landscapes and I'm still alive
- Use proper shops not supermarkets
1.Why, you say the digital photographer can do it all in post.
- Yes, but who is this aimed at???
3.So, you agree with me about polariser actually having a function for the digital photographer, or...? - Umm...ok. Well done. Should we get you a rosette or something?
- For the filters that you don't need coz you can do it all in post?
- Don't buy circular polarisers - get a filter system
• #39785
Yo homes, this has all stemmed from my attempt at a gift (I didn't buy the neutral density cokin filter as there were too many options and it didn't make a good gift (tho nor did an incorrectly sized polarising filter, it turns out) EEI are you suggesting that an adequate polarising effect can be achieved in post? I don't know shit about all this, I'm just asking on my friend's behalf. Oh, and Memes...
• #39786
I fucking warned you cunts about the camera chat. Unentertaining as that was it's now degraded into bickering about 'circular polarisers' or some shit.
gtfo and polarise your knobs up your own shitepipes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #39787
• #39788
That cat needs stamping out/on.
• #39790
You've probably spent too much time in Jessops to fully appreciate the subtleties of a bespoke, non-mainstream meme experience so your opinion is invalid. Bankrupt even. ^
• #39791
^^ fuck I can't post my witty jessops meme
• #39792
• #39793
I worked at Jessops when I was 16. I definitely bolstered their reputation of knowing fuck all about cameras.
• #39794
So basically it's all your fault?
• #39795
I worked at Jessops when I was 16. I definitely bolstered their reputation of knowing fuck all about cameras.
No worries. Those "photographers" wouldn't know.
• #39796
slowpoke probably but that gizoogle thing has been cracking me up.
• #39797
That cat needs stamping out/on.
You know, a circular polariser could have eradicated all the glare from her eye.
You just can't do that in photoshop without having to draw detail back in.:)
• #39798
• #39799
That's awesome.
• #39800