Just starting to build up some miles with a view to LEL, so will keep an eye on here - happy to do stuff with or without a brevet, but company is always fun.
Managed to get round the Poor Student OK a week ago, then spent Sat on the first and last stages of LEL (Loughton to St Ives and back) with a group from YACF. Riding up to Loughton and back made it 285km I reckon - quite a long day, and was surprisingly lumpy through the Essex lanes, especially in the dark and cold ...
Just starting to build up some miles with a view to LEL, so will keep an eye on here - happy to do stuff with or without a brevet, but company is always fun.
Managed to get round the Poor Student OK a week ago, then spent Sat on the first and last stages of LEL (Loughton to St Ives and back) with a group from YACF. Riding up to Loughton and back made it 285km I reckon - quite a long day, and was surprisingly lumpy through the Essex lanes, especially in the dark and cold ...