I just cracked open the Oban. Absolutely lovely, very smooth, with a sort of vanilla flavour to start but with a nice fairly firey finish. The saltiness eightball mentioned is great as well. I'll definitely pick up a proper bottle when I can afford it (no time soon). One of the advantages of being (hopefully temporarily) unemployed is that I can stay up late drinking whiskey. Downside is that when I run out, I can't afford to replace it.
I just cracked open the Oban. Absolutely lovely, very smooth, with a sort of vanilla flavour to start but with a nice fairly firey finish. The saltiness eightball mentioned is great as well. I'll definitely pick up a proper bottle when I can afford it (no time soon). One of the advantages of being (hopefully temporarily) unemployed is that I can stay up late drinking whiskey. Downside is that when I run out, I can't afford to replace it.