Had a run in with a fool on a fold up bike this morning on Westminster bridge. Suit on , briefcase strapped to his back . you know the type . He was in the middle of the road cycling up from the lights by the hospital and I was behind him in the cycle lane. He was going quite slow so I was catching him up on the inside . Then a car beeped at him so he started wobbling his way into the cycle lane towards me. He only looked when he nearly collided with me. I didn't say anything as I don't call people out , as you know. But the cheeky cunt started shouting at me , saying to look where I was going. So I threatened to throw him off the bridge. He soon shut up. And I went to work as normal.
So you saw exactly what was about to happen but just carried on anyway ensuring some kind of conflict would occur. Nice one. There is a difference between letting someone know you are there and calling them out.
So you saw exactly what was about to happen but just carried on anyway ensuring some kind of conflict would occur. Nice one. There is a difference between letting someone know you are there and calling them out.