PoPo at the junction between Regent St and Gt Marlbro' St this morning. Pulling people turning left on the red. Particularly annoying as the flow is always predominantly vehicles leaving Gt Marlbro' towards Brook St, so loads of space and pedestrians can't cross anyway. Crack down apparently prompted by cyclist hitting a pedestrian at this junction.
What happened to the discussions of us getting the same rules as France re. cyclists turning on red? I remember talk of this being a way to help the old HGV problem
PoPo at the junction between Regent St and Gt Marlbro' St this morning. Pulling people turning left on the red. Particularly annoying as the flow is always predominantly vehicles leaving Gt Marlbro' towards Brook St, so loads of space and pedestrians can't cross anyway. Crack down apparently prompted by cyclist hitting a pedestrian at this junction.
What happened to the discussions of us getting the same rules as France re. cyclists turning on red? I remember talk of this being a way to help the old HGV problem