Took the fixed out for 43 undulating miles, and gingerly took in some muddy/gravelly stuff on the 23 slicks while I was out there; plus rode through a small herd of cattle in the road. My fucked knee held up this time after about 20 days rest and rehab (it was the victim of a 'seatclamp incident' in early/mid-December).
Lots of wiping the early fog and later mist from my glasses, and lots of people (in various modes) enjoying the moody scenery. A day for Janacek.
Took the fixed out for 43 undulating miles, and gingerly took in some muddy/gravelly stuff on the 23 slicks while I was out there; plus rode through a small herd of cattle in the road. My fucked knee held up this time after about 20 days rest and rehab (it was the victim of a 'seatclamp incident' in early/mid-December).
Lots of wiping the early fog and later mist from my glasses, and lots of people (in various modes) enjoying the moody scenery. A day for Janacek.
Janacek - In The Mists [1/2] - YouTube