OK, time to 'fess up, it's not going to be fixed - I've got a 5 speed SA hub for it. Even applying Rule No. 5 as much as I can, I need some gears for the routes this'll be doing (like South End Green to Whitestone Pond).
I hadn't thought about getting some custom forks made up. Not a bad idea at all, but I've already got the ti forks, so I think I might as well use them. Personally I've never had any issues with the Brompton brakes. They're not brilliant by any means, but given a good hearty tug I can lock up either wheel if I want to.
My understanding is that Brompton frames are all powder-coated except for the clear laquer finishes which, as the name suggests, is a wet paint.
As for wheels and tyres, all will become clear! Working on the front at the moment, rear will follow shortly. However, I need to make some mods to my wheel-truing stand before it can take weeny 349 wheels.
OK, time to 'fess up, it's not going to be fixed - I've got a 5 speed SA hub for it. Even applying Rule No. 5 as much as I can, I need some gears for the routes this'll be doing (like South End Green to Whitestone Pond).
I hadn't thought about getting some custom forks made up. Not a bad idea at all, but I've already got the ti forks, so I think I might as well use them. Personally I've never had any issues with the Brompton brakes. They're not brilliant by any means, but given a good hearty tug I can lock up either wheel if I want to.
My understanding is that Brompton frames are all powder-coated except for the clear laquer finishes which, as the name suggests, is a wet paint.
As for wheels and tyres, all will become clear! Working on the front at the moment, rear will follow shortly. However, I need to make some mods to my wheel-truing stand before it can take weeny 349 wheels.