The question on the OP was if it's SAFE to lace the 32h On-One hub radially, not what it looks like. And I'm still willing to bet my balls that the yes, it's safe.
But yeah, I partially agree with you guys that 32 spoke radial wheels sometimes look a bit daft. The outcome still depends more on the build. For example here it looks okay:
I radially laced a 32h Miche HF to a Mavic MA40 (3x rear) and the result was pretty meh on my beater. Now the rims are laced 3x to Phil LFs and they're teh sex.
The question on the OP was if it's SAFE to lace the 32h On-One hub radially, not what it looks like. And I'm still willing to bet my balls that the yes, it's safe.
But yeah, I partially agree with you guys that 32 spoke radial wheels sometimes look a bit daft. The outcome still depends more on the build. For example here it looks okay:
a bigger pic here
I radially laced a 32h Miche HF to a Mavic MA40 (3x rear) and the result was pretty meh on my beater. Now the rims are laced 3x to Phil LFs and they're teh sex.