I hadn't considered that radial lacing might look a bit naff on a 32 hole hub. But now this has been mentioned I think I agree. I don't think I've ever seen a radial 32 spoke wheel.
Is it just a disc brake that causes torsional stress or do rim brakes do the same?
Because of the fact most budget track hubsets only come in 32 hole drillings. A lot of hipsters radial lace them all the time. I personaly think its looks shit. Mainly because it shows the wheel is poorly designed. Which irritates a nerd like me. Also the space between drillings is a lot less on a 32hole hub. So you're stressing a weaker flange.
Because of the fact most budget track hubsets only come in 32 hole drillings. A lot of hipsters radial lace them all the time. I personaly think its looks shit. Mainly because it shows the wheel is poorly designed. Which irritates a nerd like me. Also the space between drillings is a lot less on a 32hole hub. So you're stressing a weaker flange.