Did 805 miles to Edinburgh and back for New Year. Thought I would do a mpg calculation since I was going to be boshing a full tank while cruising at a (mostly) constant 80mph. Drove smoothly, sensibly, and imo efficiently, so was expecting a nice number. 25mpg. That means I probably get around 20 when in town and less when caning it.
Also, a line of 12 cars following nose to tail a guy doing consistently 20-30mph under the speed limit is infuriating. If they left a gap then I could overtake a couple at a time. Instead I had to overtake 5, 5, 1, and then 1. ANNOYING.
Did 805 miles to Edinburgh and back for New Year. Thought I would do a mpg calculation since I was going to be boshing a full tank while cruising at a (mostly) constant 80mph. Drove smoothly, sensibly, and imo efficiently, so was expecting a nice number. 25mpg. That means I probably get around 20 when in town and less when caning it.
Also, a line of 12 cars following nose to tail a guy doing consistently 20-30mph under the speed limit is infuriating. If they left a gap then I could overtake a couple at a time. Instead I had to overtake 5, 5, 1, and then 1. ANNOYING.