1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. Skull & Biscuits
    57. depps
    58. Roymund
    59. Thoma
    60. Roymund
    61. Phasergunalex
    62. tranmerd
    63. jb000
    64. V-L
    65. Skully
    66. apollo
    67. tranmerd
    68. b'jammin
    69. cabbagetom
    70. Roymund
    71. SebPep
    72. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    73. Skully
    74. chris-aa
    75. Phasergunalex
    76. Roymund
    77. Roymund
    78. Roymund
    79. Roymund
    80. Roymund
    81. Roymund
    82. marcfez
    83. TM
    84. Marco
  • what address do we send moneys to?

    Pisstofski will no doubt send you the paypal address, it might be in the original post on page 1...

    It'd be good to get an idea of how many are paid-for, James...

    cmon people lets fill the page and get this raffle going! Quite tempted to take all 10, if the bike actually fitted me I probably would.

  • only 8 left!

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. Skull & Biscuits
    57. depps
    58. Roymund
    59. Thoma
    60. Roymund
    61. Phasergunalex
    62. tranmerd
    63. jb000
    64. V-L
    65. Skully
    66. apollo
    67. tranmerd
    68. Nankatsu
    69. b'jammin
    70. cabbagetom
    71. Roymund
    72. SebPep
    73. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    74. Skully
    75. chris-aa
    76. Phasergunalex
    77. Roymund
    78. Roymund
    79. Roymund
    80. Roymund
    81. Roymund
    82. Roymund
    83. marcfez
    84. TM
    85. Marco
  • Now only 7 :-)

    Pistoffski will pm you payment details

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. Skull & Biscuits
    57. depps
    58. Roymund
    59. Thoma
    60. johnnyhotdog
    61. Roymund
    62. Phasergunalex
    63. tranmerd
    64. jb000
    65. V-L
    66. Skully
    67. apollo
    68. tranmerd
    69. Nankatsu
    70. b'jammin
    71. cabbagetom
    72. Roymund
    73. SebPep
    74. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    75. Skully
    76. chris-aa
    77. Phasergunalex
    78. Roymund
    79. Roymund
    80. Roymund
    81. Roymund
    82. Roymund
    83. Roymund
    84. marcfez
    85. TM
    86. Marco

    Good luck everyone!

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. Skull & Biscuits
    57. depps
    58. Roymund
    59. Thoma
    60. johnnyhotdog
    61. Roymund
    62. Phasergunalex
    63. tranmerd
    64. jb000
    65. V-L
    66. Skully
    67. apollo
    68. tranmerd
    69. Nankatsu
    70. b'jammin
    71. cabbagetom
    72. Roymund
    73. SebPep
    74. LaurenceCardiff
    75. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    76. Skully
    77. chris-aa
    78. Phasergunalex
    79. Roymund
    80. Roymund
    81. Roymund
    82. Roymund
    83. Roymund
    84. Roymund
    85. marcfez
    86. TM
    87. Marco

    Contacting re payment now...

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. Skull & Biscuits
    57. depps
    58. Roymund
    59. Thoma
    60. johnnyhotdog
    61. Roymund
    62. Phasergunalex
    63. tranmerd
    64. jb000
    65. V-L
    66. Skully
    67. apollo
    68. tranmerd
    69. Nankatsu
    70. b'jammin
    71. cabbagetom
    72. Roymund
    73. SebPep
    74. LaurenceCardiff
    75. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    76. Skully
    77. chris-aa
    78. Phasergunalex
    79. Roymund
    80. Roymund
    81. Roymund
    82. Roymund
    83. Roymund
    84. Roymund
    85. marcfez
    86. TM
    87. Marco

    Contacting re payment now...

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. Skull & Biscuits
    57. depps
    58. Roymund
    59. Thoma
    60. johnnyhotdog
    61. Roymund
    62. Phasergunalex
    63. tranmerd
    64. jb000
    65. V-L
    66. Skully
    67. apollo
    68. tranmerd
    69. Nankatsu
    70. b'jammin
    71. cabbagetom
    72. Roymund
    73. SebPep
    74. LaurenceCardiff
    75. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    76. Skully
    77. chris-aa
    78. Phasergunalex
    79. Roymund
    80. Roymund
    81. Roymund
    82. Roymund
    83. Roymund
    84. Roymund
    85. marcfez
    86. TM
    87. Marco

    Pm'ing regarding payment

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. Skull & Biscuits
    57. depps
    58. Roymund
    59. Thoma
    60. johnnyhotdog
    61. Roymund
    62. Phasergunalex
    63. tranmerd
    64. jb000
    65. V-L
    66. Tootalltim
    67. Skully
    68. apollo
    69. tranmerd
    70. Nankatsu
    71. b'jammin
    72. cabbagetom
    73. Roymund
    74. SebPep
    75. LaurenceCardiff
    76. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    77. Skully
    78. chris-aa
    79. Phasergunalex
    80. Roymund
    81. Roymund
    82. Roymund
    83. Roymund
    84. Roymund
    85. Roymund
    86. marcfez
    87. TM
    88. Marco

    Why the hell not, in!

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. kilda
    41. doglog
    42. johnqdarwin
    43. chris-aa
    44. geordieboy
    45. Mechanical_Vandal
    46. bullbull
    47. Marco
    48. Remrak
    49. Slodwn
    50. Slodwn
    51. Tp88
    52. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    53. B0N0R
    54. arantrek
    55. arantrek
    56. boredom
    57. Skull & Biscuits
    58. depps
    59. Roymund
    60. Thoma
    61. johnnyhotdog
    62. boredom
    63. Roymund
    64. Phasergunalex
    65. tranmerd
    66. jb000
    67. V-L
    68. Tootalltim
    69. Skully
    70. apollo
    71. tranmerd
    72. Nankatsu
    73. b'jammin
    74. cabbagetom
    75. Roymund
    76. SebPep
    77. LaurenceCardiff
    78. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    79. Skully
    80. chris-aa
    81. Phasergunalex
    82. Roymund
    83. Roymund
    84. Roymund
    85. Roymund
    86. Roymund
    87. Roymund
    88. marcfez
    89. TM
    90. Marco
  • So provided everyone pays up we only need one more person. Looking forward to this.

    Any indication of the number of outstanding payments?

    1. Tenderloin
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. Eamesy
    41. kilda
    42. doglog
    43. johnqdarwin
    44. chris-aa
    45. geordieboy
    46. Mechanical_Vandal
    47. bullbull
    48. Marco
    49. Remrak
    50. Slodwn
    51. Slodwn
    52. Tp88
    53. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    54. B0N0R
    55. arantrek
    56. arantrek
    57. boredom
    58. Skull & Biscuits
    59. depps
    60. Roymund
    61. Thoma
    62. johnnyhotdog
    63. boredom
    64. Roymund
    65. Phasergunalex
    66. tranmerd
    67. jb000
    68. V-L
    69. Tootalltim
    70. Skully
    71. apollo
    72. tranmerd
    73. Nankatsu
    74. b'jammin
    75. cabbagetom
    76. Roymund
    77. SebPep
    78. LaurenceCardiff
    79. bobernawak
      87.88. tenderloin
    80. Skully
    81. chris-aa
    82. Phasergunalex
    83. Roymund
    84. Roymund
    85. Roymund
    86. Roymund
    87. Roymund
    88. Roymund
    89. marcfez
    90. TM
    91. Marco
  • Will pay later, but there you go, list complete!

  • who won?

  • me

  • How do I pay, i never got a pm..

  • Paid.

    1. mdcc_tester
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Bobby (Jammy)
    13. tommmmmmm
    14. noiser
    15. GRRGRR
    16. Lockside
    17. Skinny
    18. Mechanical_Vandal
    19. marcfez
    20. depps
    21. SebPep
    22. Skully
    23. SebPep
    24. Roymund
    25. rusty
    26. Paramounted
    27. Dglshrn
    28. b'jammin
    29. tranmerd
    30. tranmerd
    31. Nankatsu
    32. Dandy
    33. tranmerd
    34. HatBeard
    35. Green Wheels
    36. depps
    37. SebPep
    38. apollo
    39. tilover
    40. Eamesy
    41. kilda
    42. doglog
    43. johnqdarwin
    44. chris-aa
    45. geordieboy
    46. Mechanical_Vandal
    47. bullbull
    48. Marco
    49. Remrak
    50. Slodwn
    51. Slodwn
    52. Tp88
    53. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    54. B0N0R
    55. arantrek
    56. arantrek
    57. boredom
    58. Skull & Biscuits
    59. depps
    60. Roymund
    61. Thoma
    62. johnnyhotdog
    63. boredom
    64. Roymund
    65. Phasergunalex
    66. tranmerd
    67. jb000
    68. V-L
    69. Tootalltim
    70. Skully
    71. apollo
    72. tranmerd
    73. Nankatsu
    74. b'jammin
    75. cabbagetom
    76. Roymund
    77. SebPep
    78. LaurenceCardiff
    79. bobernawak
    80. tenderloin
    81. Skully
    82. chris-aa
    83. Phasergunalex
    84. Roymund
    85. Roymund
    86. Roymund
    87. Roymund
    88. Roymund
    89. Roymund
    90. marcfez
    91. TM
    92. Marco
  • Paid!
    I'm just waiting for the frame now...

  • Paid, bump to round up two stragglers

  • James could you do this at Herne Hill jumble on Tuesday?

  • I'd prefer it to be in a calm environment. that way I can get my magnets to work properly.

  • yay! do it!

  • Sod it.

    Not sure that I feel lucky, but we might as well finish this.

    1. mdcc_tester
    2. Thoma
    3. Jammy
    4. Zeez
    5. Sveinung
    6. Lockside
    7. Iamnotarobot
    8. Stonehedge
    9. Tp88
    10. Casablanka
    11. Lockside
    12. Jsabine
    13. Bobby (Jammy)
    14. tommmmmmm
    15. noiser
    16. GRRGRR
    17. Lockside
    18. Skinny
    19. Mechanical_Vandal
    20. marcfez
    21. depps
    22. SebPep
    23. Skully
    24. SebPep
    25. Roymund
    26. rusty
    27. Paramounted
    28. Dglshrn
    29. b'jammin
    30. tranmerd
    31. tranmerd
    32. Nankatsu
    33. Dandy
    34. tranmerd
    35. HatBeard
    36. Green Wheels
    37. depps
    38. SebPep
    39. apollo
    40. tilover
    41. Eamesy
    42. kilda
    43. doglog
    44. johnqdarwin
    45. chris-aa
    46. geordieboy
    47. Mechanical_Vandal
    48. bullbull
    49. Marco
    50. Remrak
    51. Slodwn
    52. Slodwn
    53. Tp88
    54. Ecobeard
      57 mattias
    55. B0N0R
    56. arantrek
    57. arantrek
    58. boredom
    59. Skull & Biscuits
    60. depps
    61. Roymund
    62. Thoma
    63. johnnyhotdog
    64. boredom
    65. Roymund
    66. Phasergunalex
    67. tranmerd
    68. jb000
    69. V-L
    70. Tootalltim
    71. Skully
    72. apollo
    73. tranmerd
    74. Nankatsu
    75. b'jammin
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