^ Probably the same rainbow out getting its own miles in to try to beat us.
Btw I figured I would do the London Classic route from earlier this year but April was before I got a Garmin so I didn't have the GPS for the route. I searched on Strava for it and clicked on the first "London Classic" activity result thinking 'I'll just stalk this guy's map, he'll do' then I had a look at his profile and he turns out to be you. Spookeh.
^ Probably the same rainbow out getting its own miles in to try to beat us.
Btw I figured I would do the London Classic route from earlier this year but April was before I got a Garmin so I didn't have the GPS for the route. I searched on Strava for it and clicked on the first "London Classic" activity result thinking 'I'll just stalk this guy's map, he'll do' then I had a look at his profile and he turns out to be you. Spookeh.