• #2
Wont work. Al to steel will not hold a stro g enough bond. Why dont they make par al par steel frames?
• #3
you can weld alluminum to steal well thats what my toutor told me the other day dude iam more worryed about the bearings
• #4
Get a new tutor, unless you are studying in a pretty high end research facility.
• #5
Just buy a fixed micro drive hub and shut up.
• #6
If you really wanted to weld a fixed sprocket onto a bmx hub, would be loads simpler to use an older freewheel style of BMX hub. Loads of very high quality floating around for pennies because they are thought of as obsolete.
In reality some JB Weld and rotafix would suffice.
• #7
I think he is after microdrive, but i also know you can weld them together but the hold wont be strong enough and will not last.
I did think about trying to make a ring for inside a Gsport BMX ratchet hub that would replace the pawls with a sprocket that would interlock into the pawl grooves thus making a fixed hub for FGFS. Seems like a lot of work if you ask me. I think you would have to make a slightly wider axle and colar combo as well.I think fuck it. Run 30x13 or something similar.
• #8
my toutour owns a alllumunium weilding company in yarmouth i think he should know what hes tallking about what i was mainly worrying about was the affect it would have on the bearings,
i would love to buy a micro drive hub but cant find any where that selles them in the uk so i was looking into doing it diffrently
sorry i thought this fourm was for people that where intrested in fgfs and had a love for there bikes and how there are made and thanks dfp only usefull solution
• #9
This is actually a forum about spelling and grammar.
• #10
Indeed. Where do I reclaim my money?
• #11
wow so imaginative well done five stars
• #12
Thanks Babe.
• #13
you want to ride fixed on a bmx ?? jeez i must be well out the loop ... for flat ?
• #14
A coating can be applied to steel to facilitate its arc welding to aluminum. One method is to coat the steel with aluminum. This is sometimes achieved by dip coating (hot dip aluminizing), or brazing the aluminum to the surface of the steel. Once coated, the steel member can be arc welded to the aluminum member, if care is taken to prevent the arc from impinging on the steel. A technique must be used during welding to direct the arc onto the aluminum member and allow the molten aluminum from the weld pool to flow onto the aluminum coated steel. Another method of joining aluminum to steel involves coating the steel surface with silver solder. The joint is then welded using aluminum filler alloy, taking care not to burn through the barrier layer of silver solder. Neither of these coating type joint methods are typically depended upon for full mechanical strength and are usually used for sealing purposes only.
and no the spaceing of a bmx frame and a fgfs bike are the same :o -
• #15
• #16
Isnt a rear bmx hub 110mm spaced and a track hub 120mm? And no I didnt wanna fix a BMX, more wanted the best BMX hub on the market for fgfs!
• #17
Isnt a rear bmx hub 110mm spaced and a track hub 120mm? And no I didnt wanna fix a BMX, more wanted the best BMX hub on the market for fgfs!
• #18
There is very little difference (basically zero noticeable) between a decent hub and the best one.
This experiment seems it would cost more than just buying a profile, level (or whatever is supposedly good). The expense in the "best BMX hub" will largely be in its pawl/ratchet system, which you wont use.
• #19
Fair comment. Still front and rear Gsports on a fixed gear bike = baller...
• #20
Some Keirin hubs are 110 OLN is you have an NJS hipster-tax compatible budget.
• #21
A coating ...
It's rude not to credit the source... http://www.esabna.com/us/en/education/knowledge/qa/Can-I-Weld-Aluminum-to-Steel.cfm
• #22
A coating can be applied to steel to facilitate its arc welding to aluminum. One method is to coat the steel with aluminum. This is sometimes achieved by dip coating (hot dip aluminizing), or brazing the aluminum to the surface of the steel. Once coated, the steel member can be arc welded to the aluminum member, if care is taken to prevent the arc from impinging on the steel. A technique must be used during welding to direct the arc onto the aluminum member and allow the molten aluminum from the weld pool to flow onto the aluminum coated steel. Another method of joining aluminum to steel involves coating the steel surface with silver solder. The joint is then welded using aluminum filler alloy, taking care not to burn through the barrier layer of silver solder. Neither of these coating type joint methods are typically depended upon for full mechanical strength and are usually used for sealing purposes only.
and no the spaceing of a bmx frame and a fgfs bike are the same :oThat would be welding or brazing of aluminium to aluminium or some other nonferrous stuff, which happens to be surrounding the steel. Off the top of my head, the only way to actually weld steel and aluminium would be friction stir welding; not useful.
Oh dear, I'm rising to this stuff. I think it might be time to go for a ride or something.
• #23
Took me 2 minutes to find a micro drive hub, buy this and stop thinking about bodging something that could seriously injure you if it fails.
http://store.fixie-factory.com/en/rear-hubs/1154-spike-vault-micro-drive-hub-10t.html -
• #24
yes i coped and pasted that why bother writing something out when you can quickly copy and paste that whats the Internets for
i would love to buy a micro drive hub but cant find any where that selles them in the uk so i was looking into doing it diffrently
that website is in France not the uk try again
and i got a delux hub that isn't going any where near my bmx was gonna do it to that as a tester
any one gunna actuly answer my question
• #25
No one actually knows by the looks of things. If the hub aint got a purpose, do it! You may just take out the bearings on the driver and make up a bushing for it.
As I have said before, I think it will fail...
has any one successfully welded up a bmx hub driver andddd
how did they go about it?
how long did it last ?
dos it affect the bearings?
what type of weilder to use was thinking of tig welding one,