got a few bits I'd like to sell which I have no use for, so I'd like to get them gone. Very busy at the moment, but hoping I'll have some free time soon to photograph stuff from the workshop.
First up, carlton track frame, 1962. 53cm CTT, top-tube 56cm CTC. Lovely frame, does need TLC in the sense of painting. Seat-post has been tightened too tight some time in it's life, so some bellend has tried to hack it. Still usable if you drill down to where the hacking stops. 531frame, fairly light.
Hi all,
got a few bits I'd like to sell which I have no use for, so I'd like to get them gone. Very busy at the moment, but hoping I'll have some free time soon to photograph stuff from the workshop.
First up, carlton track frame, 1962. 53cm CTT, top-tube 56cm CTC. Lovely frame, does need TLC in the sense of painting. Seat-post has been tightened too tight some time in it's life, so some bellend has tried to hack it. Still usable if you drill down to where the hacking stops. 531frame, fairly light.
I'd like £110 posted for this frame. I do have the original headbadge which I've polished up, that will be included.
More stuff to come..