Planning to build up the back wheel tomorrow, pretty standard 36h 3-cross pattern. Going to follow Sheldon Brown's advice but I don't have a truing stand so I'll be using the frame as a stand and will need to make a tool to measure the dish. I'm thinking a piece of plywood with a cut away for the hub would work. I've done a lot of truing of mangled wheels before but never a full build so any tips appreciated!
Planning to build up the back wheel tomorrow, pretty standard 36h 3-cross pattern. Going to follow Sheldon Brown's advice but I don't have a truing stand so I'll be using the frame as a stand and will need to make a tool to measure the dish. I'm thinking a piece of plywood with a cut away for the hub would work. I've done a lot of truing of mangled wheels before but never a full build so any tips appreciated!