I really like that, MacReady. I never go out at night with a camera unless I'm on the piss. This makes me want to. I don't mind the grain or the tilt. That last orange light on the right is a bit distracting but I quite like that.
Just saw the Cartier-Bresson exhibition. Apart from his work I really enjoyed Jeff Mermelstein's and Helen Levitt's. Some really beautiful stuff.
I really like that, MacReady. I never go out at night with a camera unless I'm on the piss. This makes me want to. I don't mind the grain or the tilt. That last orange light on the right is a bit distracting but I quite like that.
Just saw the Cartier-Bresson exhibition. Apart from his work I really enjoyed Jeff Mermelstein's and Helen Levitt's. Some really beautiful stuff.
Right. Now off to the IWM!