If it weren't for your ability to navigate mess you probably wouldn't be you. It's days like this when it all happens at once that make us question what it's all about. You're paying the price for being the type of person who gives a shit about the people and animals around you. Spreading yourself super thin while trying to hold it together in the most basic way at ground level. That silly, stupid, curious cat could have laid a stunt like this on you at any point - they do that - things like this happen to cats all the damn time. But noooo it had to happen yesterday. Straw that broke the camels back? I hope not - you don't deserve it.
Daft kitty is kicking itself for being daft. Missmouse needn't beat herself up anymore. Concentrate on wellness. The capital's cyclists and future generations of feline idiots would prefer you in one piece. x
If it weren't for your ability to navigate mess you probably wouldn't be you. It's days like this when it all happens at once that make us question what it's all about. You're paying the price for being the type of person who gives a shit about the people and animals around you. Spreading yourself super thin while trying to hold it together in the most basic way at ground level. That silly, stupid, curious cat could have laid a stunt like this on you at any point - they do that - things like this happen to cats all the damn time. But noooo it had to happen yesterday. Straw that broke the camels back? I hope not - you don't deserve it.
Daft kitty is kicking itself for being daft. Missmouse needn't beat herself up anymore. Concentrate on wellness. The capital's cyclists and future generations of feline idiots would prefer you in one piece. x