Looking for a black/ alu polished/ red deep V rim in 36 H! Good, usable condition + quality stuff! Needs to be shipped to Austria! Cca 50-60 Euro all together.
Also, if you have a single TT brake lever or a good cog 15-18 t in 1/8" to throw in i'd gladly give a couple of $ more.
Feel free to PM, transaction probably after this Christmas mess.
Looking for a black/ alu polished/ red deep V rim in 36 H! Good, usable condition + quality stuff! Needs to be shipped to Austria! Cca 50-60 Euro all together.
Also, if you have a single TT brake lever or a good cog 15-18 t in 1/8" to throw in i'd gladly give a couple of $ more.
Feel free to PM, transaction probably after this Christmas mess.