• I don't see why you people are so angry about him not being convicted of dangerous driving? It would serve no purpose to convict the man.

    A friend of mine lost his daughter in a road accident. She was a pedestrian and was hit by a lorry. She died, my friend lost his daughter. At the inquest he was expecting to feel anger towards the driver however he saw how it had destroyed the driver's life. He was a broken man.

    I think those of you who are calling for him to punished more severely should seriously reconsider your positions. Ultimately it matters not what sentencing the driver receives, a young woman's life has been ruined also the drivers life has been ruined. Imagine waking up each day and having to live with the knowledge that you have torn a family apart and destroyed that womans life. That surely is punishment enough? It makes no difference what your criminal record states as many lives have been ruined, including the driver of the HGV. If he receives a more damaging sentence it's not going to make your morning commute more safe it's just going to further cause damage to him.

    Don't think of drivers and cyclists, just think of people. People get hurt, physically and emotionally. I'm a person, I drive a car, I ride a bike. I would never like to be terminally damaged by getting knocked off my bike, I would also never like to be terminally damaged by knocking someone else off a bike.
