Basically I'm in the market for a new front wheel .
I've found one , but the only and major problem is that the wheel hardly rotates by hand because the loose ball bearings are in such poor condition I would normally walk away from something like this but it's a dura ace 7600 track hub and its pennies cheap
From the sounds of things there's permanent damage but me or the seller can't check
Should I risk it and hope there's no permanent damage or steer clear ?
Thanks for reading through all this crap
Basically I'm in the market for a new front wheel .
I've found one , but the only and major problem is that the wheel hardly rotates by hand because the loose ball bearings are in such poor condition I would normally walk away from something like this but it's a dura ace 7600 track hub and its pennies cheap
From the sounds of things there's permanent damage but me or the seller can't check
Should I risk it and hope there's no permanent damage or steer clear ?
Thanks for reading through all this crap