The Aussies have taken DunRun to the Southern Hemisphere...:)
Garth from Australia writes:
"So we have just run the first “Newcastle Overnight” a completely shameless copy of your Dunwich Dynamo. Hope you don’t mind.
We’ve done our best to keep in with the spirit of the thing, ie no entry fee, just turn up and ride, overnight, to the sea, about 100 miles etc etc.
We had 70 willing participants for the first one which we thought was great. We had no idea who was turning up till the night, the day before had been hot and steamy and there were thunderstorms all around, not exactly ideal conditions…
Hopefully it will be an annual event here in Sydney.
Perhaps there will eventually be an overnight world tour that could be done..."
They did theirs two weeks ago (closest full moon to Summer solstice, but not too close to Christmas).
Have a look at:http ://
The Aussies have taken DunRun to the Southern Hemisphere...:)
Garth from Australia writes:
"So we have just run the first “Newcastle Overnight” a completely shameless copy of your Dunwich Dynamo. Hope you don’t mind.
We’ve done our best to keep in with the spirit of the thing, ie no entry fee, just turn up and ride, overnight, to the sea, about 100 miles etc etc.
We had 70 willing participants for the first one which we thought was great. We had no idea who was turning up till the night, the day before had been hot and steamy and there were thunderstorms all around, not exactly ideal conditions…
Hopefully it will be an annual event here in Sydney.
Perhaps there will eventually be an overnight world tour that could be done..."
They did theirs two weeks ago (closest full moon to Summer solstice, but not too close to Christmas).
Have a look at:http ://
Alex Crawford
Coordinator, Southwark Cyclists