What is the best way to coat aluminium rims, and cranks, black. I have stripped the coating from my crank arms, and will do the same on my white rims. I was considering plasti coat. As its simple and cheap. I also considered getting a cheapish home powder coating gun off EBay. Which seemed like a fun thing to own. But I think I need to cook the powder coated parts, and my rims wont fit into my oven.
In a related question.
What is the best way to coat aluminium rims, and cranks, black. I have stripped the coating from my crank arms, and will do the same on my white rims. I was considering plasti coat. As its simple and cheap. I also considered getting a cheapish home powder coating gun off EBay. Which seemed like a fun thing to own. But I think I need to cook the powder coated parts, and my rims wont fit into my oven.
Any better suggestions?