Sort your car out. The fact that you drive a vehicle with restricted visibility, by choice, makes it hard to take seriously anything you say. It is alarming that you seem to think it is other road users' responsibility to be aware of the fault with your vehicle and act accordingly.
We will (it is road worthy as is though, it has passed an MOT since we've had it, and it's no worse than a van with no rear window ffs) but this isn't really the point. Ours is not the only one on the road. A thing with a tinted rear window is something that's quite easy to recognise from the rear, so as a cyclist I find it useful to be aware that the driver of such a thing may not have seen me if I'm behind it.
I, personally, am glad to have been informed. But maybe I'm biased in favour of my wife because she's just brought beer home from the supermarket.
We will (it is road worthy as is though, it has passed an MOT since we've had it, and it's no worse than a van with no rear window ffs) but this isn't really the point. Ours is not the only one on the road. A thing with a tinted rear window is something that's quite easy to recognise from the rear, so as a cyclist I find it useful to be aware that the driver of such a thing may not have seen me if I'm behind it.
I, personally, am glad to have been informed. But maybe I'm biased in favour of my wife because she's just brought beer home from the supermarket.